Lavender Essential Oil: Uses and Benefits on your Skin, Hair, Mind and Body

Lavender Essential Oil Uses and Benefits on your Skin, Hair, Mind and Body

Touted as one of the versatile herbal oils, Lavender oil comes from a botanical that originates from the mint family. Known for instantly calming, relaxing, and healing effects, but scientifically it’s called Lavandula angustifolia that has a well-defined strong and floral smell. Extracted through steam distillation from the flowers of the lavender herb, they are also a mood lifter to relieve tension and soothe your senses.

The Essential oil is highly versatile and remembers it’s harmful and not advisable not to take it orally. Touted as one of the natural remedies to treat your insomnia pattern, it is known for its anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties as well. If you’re someone who’s dealing with migraine headaches and nerve pains, it is touted to be one of the best remedies. To improve your mental well-being and to boost your blood circulation, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil in your bathtub is highly recommended and essential. Read on to know all the uses and benefits Lavender essential oil does for your skin, hair, and body, take notes!

Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

The lavender essential oil can be used in multiple ways to pamper your skin, body, mind, soul, and hair. All in all, this oil even regulates your mood and instantly uplifts it as well. Let’s take you through the benefits of lavender essential oil.

Promotes hair growth

The Lavender Essential Oil stimulates the growth of your hair as well as prevents various hair infections. Effective for treating hair loss and boosting the growth of your hair, it is extremely useful for lifeless hair and revitalizing the dullness. Regular use of the Lavender Essential oil, will improve the hair texture, stimulate hair growth, and even add shine. The oil contains antibacterial and antimicrobial that improves the hair follicles and even improves scalp health.

Reduces Acne & Acne Marks

Lavender Essential Oil helps to kill the bacteria on your skin surface, but it also heals the acne scars and breakouts. Pimples and acne not only occur due to clogged pores but also due to the hormonal imbalance in your body. Lavender Essential Oil is a natural buster that relieves your anxiety and stress and, in turn, maintains your proper hormonal levels in the body while removing the toxins from the blood. Well, it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that play a vital role in backing off the bacteria that ultimately lead to acne and pimples.

P.S. It is advisable not to use Lavender essential oil directly on your skin, so dilute it will coconut oil for better results.

Relieves Fatigue And Anxiety

Every human on this planet deals with hurdles and stress on an everyday basis, but how often do we throw aroma to relax our mind and body. One can use a decent amount of Lavender Essential Oil for relaxation, as the studies state that aromatherapy effectively manages depression and anxiety. The essential oil contributes to relaxing and soothing your senses while giving you a sensation of easiness and calmness in your body that ultimately lets you sleep in a peaceful environment. Essential oil helps in relaxation and even increases your sleep cycle while reducing the symptoms of insomnia.

Reduce Signs Of Ageing

Loaded with antioxidants, every drop of Lavender Oil prevents free radicals from damaging your skin that causes premature aging. On our day-to-day basis, we’re often exposed to environmental actors such as pollution, UVA rays, and dust which makes our skin dull. And the antioxidants in the Lavender essential oil fights against all such damages, making your skin healthy yet again. For applying the oil to the wrinkle area, mix it with coconut oil so that your skin doesn’t get burned.

Use It As An Insect Repellant

Do those blood-sucking mosquitoes disturb your sleep? Make use of the Lavender Essential Oil as it works as a chemical-based repellent. The anti-inflammatory properties in the essential oil help you provide relief from all those bug bites.

Uses Of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil is one of the most used and beneficial oils we all have been using since our granny’s time. Continue to read on as we take you in specific sections on how this oil works on your skin, body, mind, and hair.

Lavender Essential Oil For Skin

Medically, the lavender essential oil relieves muscle spasms and calms down your inflamed skin. It can be used for itchy skin and if you have acne-prone skin it works best as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which soothe and calm your skin. One can use it on their lips for instant hydration and moisture. Lavender Essential Oil is a powerful anti-oxidative that enhances how your skin feels and looks.

If you have extremely dry skin, it is recommended to invest in Bella Vita Organic Lavender Essential Oil mix it with two teaspoons of coconut oil and 2-3 drops of Tea tree oil. You could even use this mixture daily. It’s a 100% pure essential oil that helps to deeply moisturize your skin and helps in clearing your breakouts and dark spots. This Lavender essential oil has the potential to bring back the natural complexion of your skin while slowing down the aging process.

Lavender Essential Oil For Hair

Promoting hair growth and preventing baldness, Lavender Essential Oil can regulate the sebum production that allows you to check the oil content in your hair and doesn’t make it sticky and oily. Lavender oil for hair has antimicrobial properties that don't allow any kind of formation of bacteria hence it keeps dandruff or any scalp infection at bay. Soothing down the itchiness, Bella Vita Organic Lavender Essential Oil keeps your hair healthy and helps in scalp nourishment. One can even use the essential oil as a scalp toner because it reverses the damage already done by the environmental pollutants.

You can start by massaging the oil into your scalp and for that take two drops of Lavender Essential Oil along with 1 tablespoon of coconut, or almond oil. Before massaging the oil to your hair, you can slightly warm the oil and then apply it directly onto your scalp. Trust us when we say this, the aroma and the soothing properties will give you nourished and healthy hair.

Lavender Essential Oil For Aromatherapy

In the times of COVID, inhaling the divine aroma of Lavender Essential Oil instantly calms down your mind and allows your body to relax well. With aromatherapy, the oil diminishes emotional baggage, anxiety, and even stress. If you feel motion sickness, it is advisable to smell the fragrance as it soothes your mind and distracts from the thought.

Did you just quoted you face trouble while sleeping aka insomnia? Bella Vita Organic Lavender Essential Oil when used as a diffuser helps in calming the mind, unwind stress, and promotes overall relaxation in your body. What else do we need right?


1. Where do I buy 100 percent Pure Essential Oils?

Bella Vita Organic houses 100% pure essential oils and our Lavender Essential Oil is extracted through steam distillation of lavender flowers. The floral scent of the oil soothes the mind while uplifting the mood and energizes the body. Our lavender essential oil is a great addition to skin-friendly, hair care products, relaxing baths, and candles.

2. Can one use Lavender Essential Oil daily?

It is not advisable to use the essential oil directly onto your skin so diluting it with some oil is highly recommended. Lavender Essential Oil helps in lessening the redness and irritation of your skin. And if you have extremely dry skin, mix two drops with an equal amount of tea tree oil and coconut oil and apply it twice or thrice a week to soothe your skin.

3. Does lavender essential oil repel bugs?

Yes, Lavender Essential Oil helps in repelling the bugs because of the fragrance the oil has. For centuries, Lavender has been used to add a fragrance to homes but mosquitoes, flies can’t bear them. It contains a non-toxic compound called linalool, which’s used in many pest control products.

4. Can Lavender essential oil trigger hair growth?

No oil can trigger hair growth but it can stop your hair fall. Lavender oil has properties that generate the growth of hair cells. The oil helps in helping scalp nourishment and one can apply Lavender Essential Oil with (or in) your favorite hair products.

5. Can you use essential oils during pregnancy?

Essential oils provide therapeutic benefits that reduce the common pregnancy ailments as well as calm down your stress level and anxiety. But it is always recommended to consult your gyne before starting or using a new product. Talking about the benefits of essential oil, it helps to minimize nausea, improves sleep, reduces the appearance of stretch marks, and more.

6. Is the lavender essential oil safe to use around infants, children, or pets?

It is one of the purest, mildest, and gentle essential oil which is completely safe for infants, children, and even pets. But it is highly recommended to use in moderation as your dog might be allergic to the fragrance of the oil. Highly recommended and guided not to use aromatherapy in public.

Like every coin has two sides, Lavender Essential Oil comes with its own set of side effects depending on the skin type. It is highly recommended to always do a patch test before you include the essential oil in your skincare routine. We’re sure by now you’re well understood with this versatile essential oil that can be used for your face, skin, hair, and even to relax your mind. In this hard time of the pandemic, you can uplift your mood and maintain a positive mind with Bella Vita Organic Lavender Essential Oil that costs just Rs 249. We’re sure you’ve already made up your thought of buying it. We shall see you.

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