How to Remove Dark Spots from Your Skin: Quick Tips for Healthy, Glowing Skin

How to Remove Dark Spots

If you were trying to google ‘how to remove dark spots’, you have definitely hit the mark! We are here to help. Yes, almost all of us are victims of dark spots taking over our creamy complexion and causing uneven skin tone. Dark spots are not gender-biased. Therefore, both men & women need to beware of them. It could be due to exposure to the sun, acne breakouts, raging hormones, stress, or just age catching up, but these dark spots are a real eyesore. We wish they would fade away with time but waiting for them to disappear on their own is pointless. The sooner we deal with them, the easier it would be to get rid of them.

Those of us with oily skin type are easy targets and need to take extra precautions. But not to worry…While it is difficult to avoid these little black spots on the skin, these are not permanent damages and can certainly be dealt with. You could try a range of home remedies, over-the-counter products, and even some dermatology solutions to remove your dark spots. Well, nature offers us the best skin therapies and organic ways to help remove dark spots from our skin. But we need to follow them regularly as a part of our skin care regimen.

Let us take a look at a skincare routine with few time-tested natural ingredients and a little DIY home remedies for blemish-free and healthy skin.

Nourish Your Skin with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is your key to healthy, glowing skin free of blemishes, dark spots, and pimples. It not only controls oil secretion but also decreases melanin production. Thus, helping the dark spots fade away. The easiest way to get your dose of vitamin C is through citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Apply a little lemon juice on your dark spots and let it sit a while before washing off.

But a less messy and easier way to get your vitamin C nourishment would be through Bella Vita Organic’s C Glow Natural Face Wash. It not only endows you with the goodness of vitamin C but also adds the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory virtues of coffee and neem. Wash twice or thrice a day for clean, oil-free, and glowing skin. After all, it is easier to carry a face wash in your bag rather than lemons!

Nourish Your Skin with Vitamin C

Scrub It Off!!

Your skin naturally sheds few cells regularly to make way for new cells. However, often the dead cells do not shed completely, leaving you with flaky patches & clogged pores that often result in breakouts. Therefore, it is essential to remove these dead cells by gentle scrubbing or exfoliation. You can get into the DIY mode and make yourself a concoction of natural ingredients like coffee grounds, milk & honey to scrub off the dead cells. Powdered oatmeal combined with milk & honey also makes for a great scrub to remove the dead cells.

However, it is very difficult to take out the time for the DIY stuff. It is always easier to pick Bella Vita Organic’s Natural Scrub to make way for a creamy, smooth complexion. A blend of radish, walnut, aloe-vera, natural butter, cold-pressed oils, essential oils, and ayurvedic herbs, this organic scrub gently removes dirt & dry cells. Thus, unclogging the pores and preventing acne and pimples. Thus, freeing you of dark spots on the skin. Use it once or twice a week for excellent results.

Vitamin-A Anti-Pigmentation Regimen 

Vitamin A, when ingested by our body, is converted into retinol by our liver function. Retinol helps in increasing the production of collagen, which boosts skin’s hydration, elasticity and helps in removing dark spots. Eggs, papaya, rose & saffron are enriched with Vitamin A and act as natural anti-pigmentation agents. An egg-white & lemon mask or a mashed papaya and saffron application on your face can do wonders and help you get rid of dark spots.

You may also use Bella Vita Organic's Papyblem Pigmentation Cream to get the goodness of papaya without the mess. It includes the added benefits of Aloe Vera, saffron, turmeric, sandal, and Ayurvedic herbs. Those who are not a big fan of papaya may get their share of vitamins from Bella Vita Organic’s Rose Glow Face Gel Cream to keep your skin and keep the pretty glow.

You may also use Bella Vita Organic's

Nurture with the Magic of Ayurveda

We all are aware of the famous Haldi ceremony in our culture when we apply a traditional cleansing paste to both brides & grooms to enhance their skin glow. Traditionally called Ubtan, this paste cleanses your skin, nurtures it with antioxidants, and helps remove the black spots. You may make your own Ayurvedic Ubtan by mixing turmeric powder, sandalwood powder, milk & ground almonds in a mixing bowl & brush and applying it for blemish-free skin. But it is often a hassle to prepare and you might turn all yellow if the ingredients are not in the right proportion. An easier way would be to pick Bella Vita Organic’s Ubtan Plus Face Glow Pack for getting rid of dark spots on your skin.

Nurture with the Magic of Ayurveda

Crafted with a delicate mix of turmeric, sandalwood, fuller’s earth, and herbs, this Bella Vita Organic’s Face Glow Ubtan Ayurvedic Ubtan helps pigmentation control and brightens your complexion. Also, massage your skin with Bella Vita Organic’s Kumkumadi Face Glowing Oil to help repair skin from sun damage, pollutants, and free radicals. This oil is a blend of saffron, sandal, turmeric & rose and helps keep skin hydrated, fresh and bright.

While there are invasive cosmetic remedies like laser treatment & chemical peel available for removing dark spots, they involve an extensive healing time & may cause serious side effects. Therefore, it is always advisable to use natural ingredients for your skincare routine. Bella Vita Organic offers you a range of natural products to help remove dark spots and bring back a healthy glow. Crafted with natural ingredients and Ayurveda herbs, these affordable skincare solutions are suitable for both genders.

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